Friday, 29 November 2019


The result is an expression. Minimal complete definition toJExpr. Otherwise, the parser will mistake the whitespace for a whitespace application, and odd things will occur. Render a syntax tree as a pretty-printable document, using a given prefix to all generated names. The above is a haskell expression that provides a function that takes an x, and yields an expression representing the application of foo to the value of x as transformed to a Javascript expression. State [ Ident ] a.

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Note however that one must use semicolons in a principled fashion -- i. Functions to generate generic RPC wrappers using json serialization are available in Language.

Use this with distinct prefixes to ensure distinct generated names between independent calls to render Prefix Js. Meanwhile, the above lambda is in Javascript, and brings the variable into scope both in javascript and in the enclosed antiquotes.

Render a syntax jmxcro as a pretty-printable document, using a given prefix to all generated names. The result is an expression. Map String JExpr jhSingle:: Additional datatypes can be marshalled to Javascript by proper instance declarations for the ToJExpr class. A number of examples are available in the source of Language.

utility for jmacro JavaScript generation library

JFunc [ Ident ] JStat. A further gotcha exists in regex literals, whicch cannot begin with a space. Given an optional prefix, fills in all free variable names with a supply of names generated by the prefix. Apply a transformation to a fully saturated syntax tree, taking care to return any free variables back to their free state following the transformation. Minimal complete definition toJExpr.

Create a for in nmacro.

jmacro: QuasiQuotation library for programmatic generation of Javascript code.

Create a new anonymous function. An experimental typechecker is available in the Language. Produced by Haddock version 2. The result is a block statement.

ToStat [ JExpr ] Source. ReadS [ JType ] readPrec:: JList [ JExpr ]. Instantiate for any necessary data structures. However, jnacro id is brought into scope by the keyword var, you do not get a variable named id in the generated javascript, but a jmacri with an arbitrary unique identifier.

The expression is a Javascript function that takes an x, and yields an jkacro produced by the application of the Haskell function foo as applied to the identifier x which is of type JExpr -- i. Introduce a new jmaco into scope jmacr the duration of the enclosed expression. Instance details Defined in Language. Map String JExpr Source. So does the above here. Render a syntax tree as a pretty-printable document simply showing the resultant doc produces a nice, well formatted String. As the transformation preserves free variables, it is hygienic.

Otherwise, the parser will mistake the whitespace for a whitespace application, and odd things will occur. The above, by using the bang special form in a var declaration, produces a variable that really is named id. ReadPrec [ JType ]. Additional features in jmacro documented on the wiki include an infix application operator, and an enhanced destructuring bind.

ToStat [ JStat ] Source.

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