Sunday, 8 December 2019


Enter the password for your WPS54G default password: Any ideas how I can get it working? Give it a few more seconds and you should now be able to access the WPS54G using a browser at whatever IP address you statically assigned in [step 6] mine was http: How do we handle problem users? Post as a guest Name. wpsm54g setup wizard

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Making a USB printer wireless | David Vielmetter

Any ideas how I can get it working? I still couldn't get the setup computer wizard to run, but the steps in the link above did the trick for that side of things. Sign up using Facebook.

I installed the printer using the USB cable first so that Windows would have the driver available in its internal driver database for the wireless printer installation. Give it a few more seconds and you should now be able to access the WPS54G using a seutp at whatever IP address you statically assigned in [step 6] mine was http: This is what I did in addition.

Sign up using Email and Password. Asked 9 years, 8 months ago. Sign up to join this community. It should still print out a test page even though it says the printer is offline. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

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My network has WEP 64bit security, but the password for my network just a 10 digit alphanumeric key printed at the bottom of my wireless router. In the Address field enter the IP address from [step 6] Flashback trojan hits OSX.

You probably don't need any special drivers. It was a bit of a process and probably could be done a simpler way but Post as a guest Name. If your printer is already in the Windows driver database if it is automatically detected when you plug it inyou can skip this step.

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Email Required, but never shown. Snap windows in OS X.

wpsm54g setup wizard

It only takes a minute to sign up. That printer server supports standard IPP. I went into my router and entered the print servers mac address which you can get from the print servers browser page into the DHCP reservations so the WPSM54G would definitely get the right IP address every time you may be able to omit this step Then I connected the print server directly into my network with a cable.

Windows printer installation procedure: Now it prints like a charm. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: I have a Linksys print server set up already for my Windows Vista laptop. Improving the question-asking experience. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

wpsm54g setup wizard

Try opening a web browser and going to http: You can configure the security using the embedded web site. Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users.

Get your Exchange email in Thunderbird. If you only have a WEP key not a passphrase used to generate a keyyou must leave the passphrase field blank and proceed to step 13 of the wizard to enter it!

wpsm54g setup wizard

If you enter this key into the passphrase field in step 12 of the wizard, it will fail to connect later.

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