Wednesday, 4 December 2019


But this interpolation usually will degrade the signal! Put gain up to about 40, You can fine tune it later Turn up the volume to almost max Zoom in to the frequency when its active and adjust the frequency correction so its in the middle of the peak You should then be decoding with no problems Dan. You run SDR free! I have found this program able to be set and forgotten. It usually will not matter on which channels of the soundcard the demodulated output goes. The samples are 8 bits resolution, and that limits the dynamic range. pdw sdr

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Many recommend that the digimode is best prw to do it's own filtering. None of the mode or DSP functions will affect this signal. Probably better than your car radio, isn't it? Then it was noticed that there was a way of directly sampling the tuner over its full range, bypassing the TV stuff, passing raw IQ samples directly over USB.

However, in use I find the searching hard to set up the minimum dB level and even when it is reliably chugging away at last, it keeps stopping on 'signals' that aren't there.

Then plugged the stick on the raspberry and started the programm using the code Code: Install the free Sfr Audio Cable reboot probably required. There's a 50dB adjustable pre-amp at play, and if you've never used a pre-amp with a radio before, it's a total eye-opener just how much there is down there in the noise. I tried to decode some transmissions. Buttons are Up, Down, Funtion.

pdw sdr

I hear a clunk, but it wasn't any actual signal. Reduce the bandwidth to weed out weak signals next to strong ones.

Decoding POCSAG on Ubuntu with a RTL-SDR dongle – Ronan's blog

More on Ground Loops and Audio Settings. With your virtual cable installed, you can play with DSD. Exact sample rate is: If you'd like to help in this endeavor, saving lives through software and hardware, please sd me a line. All this for 15 quid! For now you can try: Explore the options, click on things, click-and-drag on things, use the scroll wheel between the mouse buttons, you'll soon get the hang of tuning around. You can Select a number of channels in ;dw manager and add them all to a group in one go.


The required audio signal is tucked away in the movements of the carrier. You'll notice the difference when using slow signals, especially when containing time periods without any change.

OK OK, I want a go!

So what's it all about then? But this interpolation usually will degrade the signal!

pdw sdr

Will SDW give me better results? This is sourced from the scanner and then fed into the sound card. Typically this is for satellite doppler dpw.


Here is my setup for SDR Sharp http: The default password ispress the Down key 2nd from top to move right until the RIC capcode page is shown. I pick up a reasonably good range, several hundered kms.

Sde null-modem cable would be required to connect the two. Just one set of readings giving two-dimensional sampling time being our second dimension here isn't going to cut it, pew can think of the FM signal as 3D.

pdw sdr

Satellite tracking with Orbitron. Not using discriminator tap, I can't retrofit one into this laptop. This is the GPW watch version. Looks like an interesting challenge, but a bit too much right now!

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